Join QT Albums


Register in our store and get QT Pocket Album for €4.99

  1. Click the link REGISTER and fill in the form.
  2. Mention "POCKET" in the "How did you hear about us" field of the registration form
  3. When the registration is completed, we will prepare paper sets and send them to you!


What is QT Pocket Album?

QT Pocket is an entry-level, inexpensive book for smaller sessions, perfect for family & newborn photographers. Printed on our top Fuji DPII Lustre paper with slim pages and cover personalization with cute golden heart (or plain cover). It has the range of 5-25 spreads, and offers covers in lux linens, premium pastel linens, natural linens & eco velvets.

Want to learn more about us?

Watch a Video about QT Albums.